About dotNetRDF

dotNetRDF is a free and open source API for working with RDF and SPARQL in the .Net stack. Originally started by Rob Vesse back in January 2009 the project is still going strong and now has a small core development team and a growing user community around the world.

It provides support for most common RDF data formats and incorporates a fully compliant SPARQL 1.1 query and update engine. It also provides intergration with a variety of popular commercial and open source triple stores making it more than capable of being heavy duty production grade applications.

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Downloads of dotNetRDF and available through dotnetrdf.org, our SourceForge project page and our BitBucket repository.

If you use NuGet you can install our libraries directly by searching for dotNetRDF in the Package Manager.

Source Code

Source Code may be obtained through our BitBucket repository, we use Mercurial for source control and you can find clones of this repository at our SourceForge project page and on CodePlex project page.